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10 Applications for a Diesel Generator

Diesel generator Helvetica Power

Commercial diesel generators have been a staple in many industries for decades. Whether as a backup emergency power source, for off-grid projects, or even for backup use on ships and freighters, diesel generators have become a popular choice.

Diesel generators are characterized by their robustness and versatility to handle projects of all types and sizes. The reason lies not only in the design of the generator itself, but also in the type of fuel that helps the generator run in all kinds of situations.

Advantages of diesel generators

Diesel generators are designed to be robust, durable and efficient.

  • More robust construction with stronger metals, larger motors and cooling components

  • Lower maintenance costs due to the lack of spark plugs for ignition engines

  • Less noise and less maintenance compared to natural gas generators

  • Longer overall life and durability

  • Efficient fuel consumption

  • Longer maintenance intervals compared to natural gas generators

Applications of diesel generators

Commercial diesel generators are usually synonymous with emergency power, but diesel generators are so versatile that they can be used across many different industries. While this is not a comprehensive list, we will cover some of the largest and most common industries that utilize the use of commercial diesel generators.

Diesel generator for power plants

When main grid power fails, diesel generators are typically found on-site at power plants to power essential functions such as pumps, fans, hydraulic units, battery chargers and other critical functions. Depending on the type of power plant, such as hydroelectric plants, diesel generators may also be used to operate and control flood gates to prevent flooding when main grid power fails.

Emergency power for heating, air conditioning, IT & security systems

Commercial backup generators not only keep the lights on, but can also keep the air conditioning/heating running to maintain safe ambient temperatures within your facility for you and your employees. If you have critical systems such as computer systems or security systems or other critical equipment, commercial generators can help keep those running as well.

Depending on the size of the commercial generator, this may mean not only keeping the lights and critical computer systems on, but also keeping your normal daily operations running to mitigate the loss of profits and productivity.

Emergency power for properties

A key use of diesel generators for real estate is to ensure your customers and tenants always have the power they need, even in the event of a power outage. Whether it's commercial, residential, educational, medical or industrial properties, backup generators can play an important role in keeping customers and tenants safe.

For example, in the event of a power outage, a backup generator can keep all escalators, elevators, warning systems, sump pumps, and heating/cooling systems running continuously. If tenants rely on life-saving medical equipment or transportation equipment, a backup generator can provide the power needed.

Emergency power Medical industry

As one of the world's most important mission-critical environments, diesel generators provide backup power in the event of power outages. Hospitals, operating rooms, and emergency rooms for inpatients rely on a variety of life-saving medical tools and equipment. Diesel generators help these medical facilities run critical equipment such as intensive care units and people with oxygen pumps.

Diesel generator for construction sites

Diesel generators are an important piece of equipment when construction companies are working on a new project. Diesel generators are available in portable formats that allow construction companies to work on projects that are off the main power grid and where the electrical infrastructure has not yet been set up for the site. Commercial diesel generators help prevent project delays or shutdowns as they provide continuous power and help ensure projects are completed on schedule. Diesel generators not only power light sources, but also equipment that can be critical to certain tasks and construction activities.

Diesel generator for mining operations

Over 70% of all power needs in the mining industry are met by diesel generators. The mining industry relies on heavy equipment such as lighting, drills, conveyors, mining and cranes. Regardless of what is being mined, portable diesel generators are ideal for meeting the needs in various mining environments.

Diesel generator for oil and gas operations

The majority of oil and gas operations take place in remote locations that are outside the main power grid. These conditions are often difficult to navigate and move equipment easily, bringing the benefits of portable diesel generators to bear. Diesel generators can provide a continuous source of power for all related oil and gas activities such as drilling, pumping and loading. Portable diesel generators can help provide equipment such as drills and other heavy equipment with reliable power wherever and whenever it is needed.

Emergency power for industry

Diesel generators can help manufacturing plants and processing facilities in the event of a power outage. A backup emergency generator can help ensure facilities and equipment continue to operate normally, no matter the situation. Without emergency power, critical equipment can become unusable. When manufacturing processes involve perishable goods, this can lead to not only a loss of inventory, but also a loss of productivity, which can ultimately lead to a loss of profit.

Emergency power for data centers

Many companies rely on data centers to store, secure and process important information. Data centers are designed to run continuously at 100% due to the critical roles they play in processing, storing and handling sensitive data. Power outages due to power outages can have a negative impact on data centers, including data loss. Diesel generators are a commonly used solution to ensure that all data remains intact and all data center operations can continue uninterrupted in the event of a power outage.

Emergency power for telecommunications towers

Telecommunication towers not only serve millions of people to make phone calls and send text messages. Telecommunication towers are also important in allowing emergency services, police, hospital staff and many others involved in mission-critical operations to communicate with each other. Imagine if a power outage occurred and the telecommunication towers went down? Communication in that area would cease. Diesel generators are often used to provide backup power to telecommunication towers, ensuring that continuous communication channels are maintained for those critical moments.

While these are some of the major industries that often rely on diesel generators to provide backup and continuous power for their operations, there are other industries such as agriculture, livestock farming, marine use, disaster relief, and more.

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